Don't get me wrong. I am extremely excited and blessed to have this little bundle of wonder in my belly. However, there are a few things that are driving me mad!!! One in particular is my bilateral carpel tunnel syndrome (which will make my blogging a lot less frequent and or a lot more brief). It was brought on by the water retention of pregnancy...ugh. Secondly, I'm not too keen on the sciatica I am experiencing on my left side either! And finally, I am so sick and tired of being a total ball of hormonal craziness. I'm used to being bipolar, for the most part, but this is rediculous!!! One minute I'm having the time of my life, the next I'm bawling my eyes out, the next I'm ripping a strip off of my poor husband...ugh. I know though, that the miracle going on right as we speak makes everything worth it. I love you matter what you're putting me through now or ever...
I'm trying to get to the bottom of some of my frustration lately. I know that a big part of it is that our home is too small for all of us (all of us = my husband, my sister-in-law, myself, my step-son every other weekend, oh, and our cat) The thing is, my sis-in-law wasn't here very often before when she was dating this particular fellow. Now they've broken up and she's dating someone new who is much better for her (yay!) However, having her here more often is trying at times. I'm just not used to it. It was great when she was here during the week but not on weekends, so that Brad and I could have some alone time. Now she's here 24/7 it seems, and because she's Brad's twin, it's almost like having two of my husbands around. Bless their hearts, but I can only handle one!!! Lord give me patience! It's hard too, having a mood disorder and wondering if she thinks I'm crazy, where I know Brad can relate (he has depression) and he knows me and loves me just the same. I don't know where Sabrina stands with my whole 'mood problem'. And when baby comes, I don't know if I'm going to get worse or not. How is she going to be around me then??? Will she be understanding? God, I need a break!!! A vacation with my husband???!!! That's all I ask...before the baby gets here...please...? Sabrina plans to live with us for another year or so before she heads out on her own, in case you were wondering. We have all discussed it and said that it's fine...oh me and my BIG yap...
Now I feel bad...she really isn't a's just, well, I just want some quality time with Brad while we have time to have it! Once baby gets here, well, that's more newlyweds...not that we really ever had an opportunity to even have that! We had Oriah for the first two and a half years of marriage, now we have Sabrina!!! (Oriah lives primarily with his mother now...looooooooooong story...he's doing failry well though, which is what matters most)
Whatever...uh oh, I'm starting to feel a pity party coming on...time to stop typing! Besides, my wrists are killing me! Will type more soon.

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How's the bouncy ball of hormones doing today?!
If you start panicking... just think:
downtown... jen&shell SHOWDOWN !!!
And then listen to all the 90's music. Make sure that one of the songs you get to is Seal "Kissed by a Rose."
If that STILL doesn't work, then start singing. Singing is ALWAYS therapeutic for you. Just sing our fave song "I wanna "CHUG-A-LUG, CHUG-A-BUG-A-JUG....."
Okay.... after that there are SERIOUS problems if those hormones are still controlling you after that so you'll have to just give me a phone call. Anytime. Ok???
Maybe Grandma Edna will kick you into gear, we'll do three-way-calling with her.
Have a great day! xoxo
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Mental Health Blog Research Group
The College of New Jersey
You're pregnant~! That is awesome and so glad to see you writing again.
You are tagged. Please go to my blog- Random Thoughts, and read my latest post "10 Reasons Why I Blog." After reading it, please make your on post on "10 Reasons Why I Blog," then copy the tagboard after the meme and add your name next to mine. Then tag as many persons as you could, giving them these same instructions. Please copy and include the tagboard after your meme and instruct those you will tag to do the same. This will ensure a tremendous surge in the number of traffic and viewers in our respective blogs. Do this and see how traffic and viewership figures in your blog increase exponentially. Thank you very much and God bless.
I missed this post totally - not being a very organized blogger now-a-days and missing a lot of reading I should be doing. Wow is life ever tough for you right now! But it won't be forever, Sheba.
Hope you'll keep us updated.
Love, marja
Haha!! Thanks Jena, you always know how to make me laugh :)
As for the research thing...I'm a little overhwelmed...I can't seem to commit to much right now.
As for the tag thing Mel, I'm sorry, I'm not very good at those offense...again, I'm fairly overwhelmed
Dream Writer, thanks so much for welcoming me back :) Yes I'm pregnant!!! A little more unstable lately because of it, but baby is TOTALLY worth it
Marja, not to worry about catching up on blogs...I've been terrible at it! Yeah, things are a bit hectic, but I feel like my life wouldn't be the same if there wasn't drama going on...ahhhhh...
As for anyone else responding to my blog and reading this, thank you so much for taking the time. I will post again whe my wrists aren't totally flaring up..maybe sooner than later I hope!
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