Well, the internet is finally up and running at my house! Yipeee!!! Things are staring to settle down around here. However, I'm worried for a few reasons:
a) Labour is approaching at an alarming pace, and I am scared to death about the pain I am going to go through, having never gone through it before
b) Our kitty is missing and my heart is broken over that...he's been missing since Wednesday morning :(
c) My good friend is really struggling and I am worried sick about her, but hardly know what to say or do, as I am in a fragile state myself
d) I don't really like my new pdoc - she doesn;t seem to 'get' me
e) We still have A LOT of setting up and purchasing of baby stuff to do before baby arrives and it seems that nothing is done and the bills keep pouring in!!!
Anyhow, that's why I'm worried. I know the bible says to "cast all your cares upon (Jesus), because he cares for you" but I am a natural worrier. I really have to work on that. That's all I have to type for now. I'll type more later on.
See ya

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I hope your cat comes back soon, that's a big worry. When I was 8 months pregnant with my first child we moved. My cat, Yoda, went missing after we were at the new place a few days. I was sick with worry, and felt so guilty. I remember sitting down on the front stoop and bawling my eyes out. She did come back after a few days, luckily. I hope yours does too. Take it easy. ~coco
Thanks Coco :) You're a sweetheart. That's weird, it's like we were in a parallel universe or something. Maybe (hopefully) Whiskey will come back just like Yoda did. I'm really hoping and praying, that's for sure.
Shebee, i know that everything will work out for you, and it sounds like you're doing a good thing by giving your worries to God. He will take better care of you than anyone! As for your cat, I hope she returns to you soon... and as for the labour, i hear that people forget about it right away so try to worry about it too much. And about your friend, I'm sure she will be fine, it sounds like she has a really good friend in you :)
We haven't heard from you in a while. Did your cat return? Are things going ok for you? Hope to hear from you soon :) ~coco
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