Friday, June 15, 2007

Dying Inside

My heart soul aches...I'm so pissed off right now...I hate my life...I hate this disease...
I hate everything. I am sooooooooo low...what is wrong with m y medications??? I am so sick and tired of being up, then down, up then down...I hate this..I am so sad and I want to die...I pray for death...please God, take me from this disgusting and horrible life...I hate me...


Unknown said...

Shebee...I know you feel like this NOW, but I promise it's only temporary...I hope that by the time you read this, you feel some relief?

marja said...

Shebee! Please hang in there and believe what kansassunflower has told you. Though I know you you "know" this feeling won't always be with you, yet I also know it's hard to see past this moment in time. That's just the nature of the disease. I know this illness does horrible things to us, but there WILL be up times again. You realize that, don't you?

I'm praying for you, praying that God will remove these feelings from you. Praying that you will fully sense how much he loves you. God feels your suffering and cries with you. You're not alone.

If you'd like to talk, give me a call.

chalexa said...

wow you sound EXACTLY like me. i'm not even going to blog what i wrote in my journal its pretty bad. actually i quit blogging altogether i hate life i hate and i hate blogs. so there. you're a good seed. i like you and always will. feel better than me soon.

marja said...

Hey Shebee! Are you feeling any better? I've been thinking about you.
Love, marja