Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, it's been a few days since my 'crash'. I have been feeling a lot more normal now, which is absolutely wonderful! Today is 'partial' moving day (we're doing the rest on the 1st) and I am unfortunately unable to help because I have hurt my foot somehow (I think it's the baby weight causing strain). Normally, I would feel helpless and hopeless right now, but strangely, I feel no guilt or frustration...I just know that I can only do what I can do! I'm thinking rationally...clearly! Sigh of relief! There is so much to do too, but I still don't feel overwhelmed as I am a lucky woman and I have people in my life who are understanding and are willing to help me with the move, no questions asked (or guilt trips played).
I had a really great night last night too. I went out for one of my best friends' birthdays and we had a great night. It was close and intimate. Nothing to cause anxiety over. No new people I didn't know, just good, old friends. We all caught up and it was great! I had to watch myself though...I tend to talk about baby/expecting a little too much...I'm just excited though!!! Talk about a life altering change! But still, for those who aren't in my shoes, can be a bit tiresome, I'm sure.
Anyways, I'm gonna go and read some blogs now. I hope and pray that you are all well.


marja said...

How exciting, Shebee, to move into that new place you're looking forward so much to. Good for you for allowing others to help without feeling guilty about it. Mom needs to take care of baby first. Glad you're doing well.

shebee said...

Thanks Marja,
Yer great :)

JC said...

So glad to hear you're having relief from the yucky crappy stuff that was happening... hope things continue to look up for you! Sooo many positive things are coming your way, so many things to look forward to! Overwhelming yes, but joyous at the same time!

shebee said...

You're right Jena, sometimes it's hard to see when you're in the thick of it, but we are all blessed in unique ways :)