Well, Chalexa I think you may be right about stress causing my lack of a period. I have been extremely stressed out which is never good for people with our illness, let alone people without it. Plus I did do an 'at home' preg test the other day and it was negative. However, according to the instructions in the test, that could just be due to the fact that the HCG levels (pregnancy hormones) in my blood aren't high enough yet. They also said that if I don't get my period after the test has been taken in 3 days time, I should take it again. I took it 3 days ago, but I have opted to wait for a few more days. Let me explain. I was researching on the Internet, and the advice given at one reputable site said that I should have waited until at least 7-10 days after my expected period before taking the test in the first place. I only waited 4 days. The site also said that when the pregnancy test is negative even at the 7-10 day point, it should still be taken again 3 days later, just to be sure. That means that if I don't get my period by the 24th, I'll be taking the test again. Boy, if it's positive...Merry Christmas to me and my hubby!!! However, If it's negative, I'll be booking the first available appointment with my gp, (or I'll be going to a walk-in clinic if it takes too long to see my gp).
Now, I know that my posts have indicated that I am mostly upset by the fact that an unplanned pregnancy may just be in my future. But, to tell you the truth, I don't think I have ever wanted anything more than to have a child of my own. It has been a huge prayer of mine for years. It's weird; one minute I'm freaking out worrying, the next minute I'm jumping up and down with excitement. But I don't want to get my hopes up either. ACK! I'm just a ball of nerves right now.
Anyways, my mind is only on this right now, so I can't focus enough to let you all know everything else that's been going on. Sorry.
Lots of love to everyone. I hope and pray that you're all coping well with the stress of the holidays.
PS - Thank you Shan, for your comment on my last post...it was extremely encouraging
PP SS - sorry I've been whining about no one getting back to me...I realize that blogger has been acting up; thanks for the update Chalexa :)
Do you go to the Broadway church? They have a Christmas tree choir like that, though I've never been.
I don't actually go there Marja, but I got involved for the singing christmas tree this year. :)
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