Friday, December 29, 2006
I feel really self-conscious about my work skills. I'm super tired. I can't think of the proper words to say (even in they are easy words). My cases are taking forever it seems.
This all leads me to believe that I am a total disaster. Am I good at anything at all? I don't excell at anything. I feel like such a dork.
I just want to be fulfilled. Happy about my career. Not self-conscious all the time.
I guess I just really feel crappy today. I can't wait to go home and sleep. I have 2 days off!!! I was even offered a shift for Saturday, but I said no. No way...I need a bit of a break.
Speaking of break, mine is over. I'll write more later.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Last night, after all the commotion
"People struggle with sin all the time. Do they really need to confess it every time, or are they just wasting their time? Jesus died on the cross for us for our past, present and future sins, didn't He?"
Well, I was amazed to hear myself speak. I, biblically, answered all of his questions without the bat of an eyelash.
This is a miracle to me, as I thought I was so 'back-slidden' that I had no clue why I still kept my faith.
Mu husband thanked me and said that I 'cleared it up' for him. I felt such a peace wave over me. The Holy Spirit came upon me and I was even able to sort through a few things in my head (people that I 'hate', I was able to forgive, I made some peace with myself, etc).
Maybe my calling isn't being an X-ray tech at all (see my last post). Maybe I do need to go back to school and become a teacher/worship leader, or something else that involves spreading the Good News of our Lord.
Maybe I'm just speaking out of my rear end right now...? But I do feel encouraged. Hmmm.
I have gone over this thought process before, and I just let the dream fade. I tend to be a realist when it comes to my profession ("I can't quit! The money's good and it's secure!")
But I know that I am not satisfied with my current line of work. Even subconsciously, I am consistently late, I lose my focus easily, I take longer breaks than expected without even meaning to, and when I think of going to work, it is not with a sense of pride. More a sense of...well, I guess, dread is the best word I can think of. Still, it's the people that I work with that keep me going back. Most of them are awesome, and so fun to be around. But there lies my problem again. I am such a 'chatty kathy' people person that I get myself into trouble (glares and 'shushes' from the management, etc.).I feel that I will always be the 'black sheep' in my line of work.
Don't get me wrong, I am competent, I consistently get good images, and I am great with my clients. Still though, that is not enough to get me out of the hole that I've dug for myself. There is no passion in me for what I do...I feel as though I am called to greater things. Holy crap. I am nearly 30 years old and I still have no idea what's going on with my life. Could you pray for me, my friends, that I find a purpose?
Well, I've now lost my train of thought because my stomach has suddenly started to growl. I guess it is lunch time.
love to all of you,
Monday, December 25, 2006
I need a career counsellor
I need a new career, something more 'helping people' oriented. I help people in my job, but I don't get to have a lot of time with them. I really do need a career counsellor.
I feel, yet again, so humbled. Be careful what you pray for.
Feeling like a butt head,
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry 'Christ'-mas everyone
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Got it!
Yes, I am still low, but at least I know part of the reason why.
Love you all.
Friday, December 22, 2006
No good news anywhere
Apart from this, I still haven't gotten ANYTHING done for Christmas and today is my only real shopping 'day' that I have to get things rolling. I even forgot my own nephews birthday on the 13th. And here I am, sitting at the computer in my pj's, robe and slippers.
Here are a few other things freaking me out at the moment: we still have no place for the 1st of January; our car insurance has run out and there is no way we can afford to reinstate it any time in the near future; I still haven't gotten any of my cards replaced from when my purse was stolen (including my drivers licence, so I've been driving illegally out of sheer desperation to get around); my pay cheque was relatively small compared to the usual (I got paid today) - see Christmas stress above; My hubby and I seem to be distant right now; Yesterday I was 90 minutes late for work because I forgot to set the alarm the night before; I have to work all weekend long (including Christmas day); I am gaining weight again ( and I'm already a bloody heffer); My step-son still seems to hate us and worship his crazy mother; and last but not least, I still haven't gotten my period. But here''s the thing: I took the pregnancy test again yesterday and it still said 'negative'! Part of me was relieved, but the other part of me was (and still is) desperately sad. I'm still going to get a blood test done tomorrow though, just to be sure (I'll get it through emergency, while I'm at work at the hospital - we have connections in Medical Imaging). If I'm not pregnant, what the hell is going on with my body? Maybe I don't deserve children after all. Maybe God is punishing me.
I am sooooo depressed right now. I can't even bring myself to fold laundry, do the dishes, or get ready, even though I have sooooo much to do today. I just want to cry and cry and cry. What kind of person am I? I hate me today. I hate all the things that I have done to hurt others. I hate the fact that I get so easily overwhelmed. Look at me..I didn't even get my wedding thank you's out, and we still haven't paid the photographer all the money we owe him. We haven't even given our parents wedding photo's. We were married in June of 2005! Is this reality I'm in for real? I never meant for any of this to happen. I always had the best of intentions. I never followed through. I am awful. I didn't even send out Christmas cards this year (as if I've done it any other year).
Thoughts of suicide keep enticing me, but I don' think I could do that to my family and friends. Would I go to heaven if I did? That is another question that keeps me from really, truly considering it.
I AM a failure. My father was right...I truly am a stupid bitch.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I feel soooo sick
Apart from the whole 'possibility of pregnancy' thing, my hubby and I still haven't been able to find a place for the 1st of Januuary...everything is too scummy so far.
What to do...
Does anyone have any remedies for getting over the flu quick? I already know the garlic thing, the salt water gargling thing, the ckicken soup thing, the ecinacea thing, the cold fx thing, the vit C thing...
Maybe I know all of them already (I love to research). Oh well. Anyways, break's over, so I'll have to blog more later. Ttyl.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Still late...

Well, Chalexa I think you may be right about stress causing my lack of a period. I have been extremely stressed out which is never good for people with our illness, let alone people without it. Plus I did do an 'at home' preg test the other day and it was negative. However, according to the instructions in the test, that could just be due to the fact that the HCG levels (pregnancy hormones) in my blood aren't high enough yet. They also said that if I don't get my period after the test has been taken in 3 days time, I should take it again. I took it 3 days ago, but I have opted to wait for a few more days. Let me explain. I was researching on the Internet, and the advice given at one reputable site said that I should have waited until at least 7-10 days after my expected period before taking the test in the first place. I only waited 4 days. The site also said that when the pregnancy test is negative even at the 7-10 day point, it should still be taken again 3 days later, just to be sure. That means that if I don't get my period by the 24th, I'll be taking the test again. Boy, if it's positive...Merry Christmas to me and my hubby!!! However, If it's negative, I'll be booking the first available appointment with my gp, (or I'll be going to a walk-in clinic if it takes too long to see my gp).
Friday, December 15, 2006
Oh boy
Anyhow, Merry Christmas everyone. May the Love of Christ be in all of your hearts this season (man I sound like a greeting card!)
Love Shebee
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Search is on
BTW, are my blogs boring? 'Cause I notice that not a lot of ppl comment on them...am I doing something wrong?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
How it's been going...
It wasn't a sick note, but more of a note to let my bosses know where I'm at, so they could at least see some of the bigger picture. Attached to the doc note, I stapled a note of extreme apology, taking full responsibility, and stating that I have a plan in place to prevent these types of mistakes from happening again. My bosses seemed to respond to this well. In passing, my big boss asked me what my plan was, so I wrote another memo to her (as she was too busy to hear it right then and there), stating my plan (check schedule regularly...etc). I would have done it in person, but I couldn't seem to catch her....she is a very busy lady. So far I haven't heard back, and that was on Monday. I'm assuming all is well, and I hope that I'm right. I just have to make sure that I see my doctor regularly, see my counsellor regularly, and make sure I leave home 'stuff' at home.
Well, now that I'm off shift, maybe I can unload a bit of home 'stuff'.
Last night, out of anger, Brad raised a hand to me. I was just teasing him lovingly by placing a cold-pack on his arm (we always tease each other like that). Being from an abusive home myself, this really upset me. When I expressed how angry I was at him for doing that, he just kinda fluffed it off and said "I was in my zone". (he was cleaning, and that's what he calls it when he's going at it frantically). When I kept on him about it, he started getting really angry, partly because he didn't want to hear me anymore, and partly because I was saying all of this in front of his son. I was soooooooo angry though. Plus we live in a place where there is literally no room to do anything in private, apart from the bathroom! He began to swear and yell and tell me to 'get over it, it was nothing!!!'
Well, it sure was something to me. I went to bed early and very hurt and angry. I brought it up again this morning, and he did apologise, but not with much conviction in his voice...more just to get me off his back, I think. Now I'm sitting in the back room at work. I don't want to go home. I have to take the bus, it's cold, and I'm coming home to a jerk (or at least he's acting like one), and a very high-maintenance step-son. I just don't want to deal with anything tonight.
Another thing on my mind...my period...yeah, it's late. Earlier this week I was really nauseous and yesterday my breasts were tender...oh Lord, I know I prayed for biological children, but...now???? We are sooooo broke, my hubby's acting weird,(to tell you the truth, after last night and a few other incidents in our marriage, I'm starting to suspect that he has a mood disorder himself...he's already been diagnosed with depression, but I think there's something else going on), and I feel soooo unhealthy. I wanted to be fit and trim and healthy and non-smoking before I started planning a family...I am so scared.
Too many what-ifs are flooding my head. I need support...I don't feel I have it at home, I know I don't have it at work...I thank God for all of you, for my gp, and my counsellor. I Just wish I had more support at home...lack of support at work I can handle, but not at home.
This leads to Christmas...ahhh, Christmas. Ti's the season for stress and panic (at least for me). We have no cards out, no baking done, hardly any presents bought, and very little money to work with. Oh, and we're planning on moving out on the 1st of January!
Anyways, I'm done my rant...thanks for letting me spill my guts and feel sorry for myself for a little while. If you think of it, could you please pray for me?
Love to you all
Friday, December 08, 2006
I can't believe this!!!!
But I swear that my manager said she would let me know if she gave me extra shifts ahead of time(or at least I think she did???) apart from my regular job. I KNOW I'm going to get pulled into my bosses office on Monday and reemed out. I am sooooo scared.
I know this happened due to my lack of focus and my depression...maybe I can get a doctors note? Oh Lord, I am so scared...please help me....I am so afraid of the repricutions of this!!! :(
Could you guys please keep me in your thoughts and prayers (if you believe in God) on this matter? My boss does NOT understand mental illness at all. She has the whole "Just get over it" attitude. (Even thought she claims to be a Christian and she lost her husband early in their marriage - you'd think she'd have more compassion - go figure).
I can't believe this!!!! I hope I did the right thing by saying I couldn't come in due to appointments...that can count as sick time...I hope? I am soooooo scared. Ack!
Lord, please help me.
When it rains, it pours, doesn't it?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
My self-esteem sucks lately...no confidence at all at anything anymore. Even the things I once thought I was good at like cooking and singing. Now I feel like I suck...totally suck. Just being honest...sorry so glum.
Gods Grace and Beauty

So Low
I keep thinking about how I have let people down. I never got my wedding thankyou notes out (we've been married since March of 2005), I still haven't paid the rest of the money to our caterer or our photographer, and I've been a bad friend. What kind of terrible person doesn't send out their wedding thankyou's? I feel sooooo horrible about this every time it comes into my head. I want to do something about it but a voice inside plays...'you CAN'T do it, it would be insulting to all of your guests to even bother now...you're AWFUL! Imagine how many people resent you now!!!'
My support network is next to nill. I have no regular pdoc and no regular therapist. I'm still new and anonymous at my church (I tried to get involved with singing but they said they didn't need anybody). My boss is totally clueless when it comes to this type of sickness, I have no money, my hubby is really trying to undertand but is having a hard time, my family are all doing well and I don't want to bring them down with my b.s....
On tuesday I smashed my head against the wall when my hubby said he wouldn't come to parent support group with me. I then began bawling and convulsing uncontrollably. I was so angry at him for not wanting to go, and for not wanting to support me through coming with me to parent group. I was playing mind games with him, I guess. I really hurt my head...the bruise is now forming. I didn't care though. I believed I deserved it. I'm still mad that he didn't come with me...but more than that, that he didn't react to me smashing my head against the wall. He just laid there, looking at me funny and he asked if I was okay. He didn't run to my rescue and hold me in his arms...then rush us down to parent group night like I thought it should work.
I feel so crazy...why would I hurt myself to get a reaction out of my husband?
Chalexa just gave me a good suggestion...she said I really need to be honest with my gp and get a referral to see a pdoc on a regular basis. Right now my gp is just going by the pdoc notes I got from a July appointment.
Ugh...I don't know if this blog makes any sense at all...whatever, you all understand...thank God.
Btw Marja, I'll be there tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Thank God for modern medicine
It even crossed my mind today that maybe I don't even have bipolar, but maybe I am just an anomaly with absolutely no hope to recover from the irreparable damage done to me.
I keep doing self-dectructive things...things that I know are really bad...things that make me sick to my stomach when I realise I'm doing or have done them.
I hate being sick, I hate being fat, I hate being ugly, I hate being me. Don't bother replying any of you...I don't deserve it for this neverending pity-party I throw every day of my damn life. I think I'm going to stop blogging - I can't even express my real self here. I'm too nervous that I'm not talented enough, funny enough, cool enough...really, I truly believe it. Nothing has ever helped me to get better. I am hopeless. Goodbye.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Just did something super stupid
God help me...I am so hopeless...
Friday, December 01, 2006
I'm done hiding out
Today, my hubby and I went to small claims court for a matter that was totally NOT for small claims court. We were taken there by my step-sons mother and her father. They were denied everything though, as we have joint custody and they were asking for child support. They were also trying to prove that we owe them $2500 for a 'section 15' (a psychological assessment provided by a court appointed psychologist) that they asked to be done. I believe that the only reason they want half of the amount for it is because it didn't turn out in their favor. The assessment suggested that my hubby and I are the better equipped and 'fit' parents for my step-son. So there you go. Cut and dry. But hey, the family that we are dealing with are totally in denial and full of s%&t as far as I'm concerned. Whatever..sorry to bore you with details. It may go to supreme court though...that has me worried...I just don't trust our judges in this province. I wish that we could all get along...I keep praying for that...maybe God will say yes...who knows.
Ugh...I have been sick for more than a week. It sucks because I had the flu shot the week before, and what did I get? The flu!!! I guess it was a different strain. I do work in a hospital, so I guess all the bugs like to hang out there. Whatever.
Anyways, I feel like I'm rambling, so I'm going to stop typing now..
love you all,
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Just tired of all of this...
My life seems like such a mess!!! How did this all happen? I really don't know if my hubby takes this all as seriously as it really is...he is a very stubborn guy; very bull-headed. I talked to him through tears last night and he seemed to be respopnsive, to a point, (he was half-asleep), but who really knows...
I know that God is taking care of all of this as we speak, but I am still so very confused about what Brad and I need to do in order for God's plan to unravel...I really don't agree with people who just sit there and say "God will take care of me, I don't need to do anything"...He gave us reason and common sense so that we could use it. I don 't mean any offense in saying that, but it is how I feel.
I beleive we're going to have to talk to a specialized lawyer about all of this junk...and soon. I just want to be happy again...truly happy...but I know with our condition, that ain't gonna happen until I'm on the proper cocktail of meds and things in my life settle down.
However, on a positive note now, I am very thankful for this blog...and thankful for people like you, Marja and Chalexa, who seem to truly care. And thanks to both of you too for encouraging me to blog more (even though it took a while because of my stubborness). It really has helped, even in the midst of suicidal thoughts and manic delerium. Anyhow...my clonazepam has kicked in, an my tears have dried for the time being (thank God for modern medicine).
Love Shebee
Saturday, November 18, 2006
No one takes care of me...
now, my husband and I face probable bankruptcy...again...he doesn't take care of me as I always thought my husband would...I had to support him for a year and a half...and for what...so we could have shitty credit for 7 years? I'm so scared...
I feel so alone
Friday, November 17, 2006
I feel like dung
Sorry guys, I'm too emotional to contuinue...please pray for me...I feel so hopeless, completely hopeless...I hate this bullshit. Sorry about all the swearing.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thanks muchly
In the last two days, by the Grace of God, a miracle has happened. I'm actually starting to accept my condition. To those of you who know me, you know how amazing this is. And I took your advice , Marja, and really talked to my husband about how my bipolar-ness can present itself, and he seems ot be starting to understand. I also told him about the book you suggested, Chalexa ('How to Love Someone With Bi-polar') and he is open to reading it. Also, in my own way, I'm becoming more real about my disorder with my step-son, and we seem to be getting closer as a result of it. (Now that's a miracle!)
This is all a very big deal in my life. A lot of it has to do with attemtping to place my disorder into The Father's Hands. He is giving me a peace and understanding, as well as the ability to begin to completely accept my condition (as I stated before). I am truly grateful for so many things...including this blog (God bless all of you).
Wow, I just read through this and it seems that I'm in a happy, excited state...hopefully it's for real and not just a 'moment' in my rapid cycle.
I must go now...step-son is antsy to get his video-game time in. Thanyou all, again.
Love Shebee
Monday, November 13, 2006
What's going on????
I can't relate very well with one of my best friends...she's just so petite and lady-like - I feel like a complete oager compared to her...
My thoughts are so random, I know...I really wish that support group was tomorrow (btw Marja, thanks soooo much for puttting that together).
I am so afraid, so lonely, so isolated...
I am going down in my paxil and up in my lamotirigine...maybe that's why I'm all over the map.
I just need God's Peace right now...
Good night.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
okay okay...
I am soooo angry right now that I could fling this laptop across the cafe and run from the building screaming obsenities and bawling my eyes out...what the HELL is going on??? Am I just having a hypomanic moment or am I genuinely angry and fed up with being a pushover? Whatever...good night.
Reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally Frustrated
Monday, October 30, 2006
I was doing so well...
You see, she actually abducted my step-son for 2 1/2 years, so he's only been in my life for 2 years (he's 8 1/2). She is extremely manipulative and delusional...she really does believe her own lies. She's done horrible things to my step-son, (including dressing him up like a girl to conceal his identity), but he adores her. It's a very frustrating part of my life, and it makes me feel so helpless and depressed.
So tomorrow I have to see them. My tummy is in knots. I feel like bawling...ACK!!!
If anyone has any light to shed, please do...and please pray for me (if you believe in prayer, ofcoarse...heck, even if you don't! I need as much as I can get!)
Helpless Shebee
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Reaching out for what I can't quite grasp
Besides talking to a couple of good friends, today I feel...well...'meh'...do you get what I mean? Work was stressful this week and I'm really tired and feeling soooooo lethargic. I don't think I even have enough energy to put my clean laundry away. What's with me??? I hate it, because I am so unorganized and messy all the time. It's a metaphor for my life I guess:(
My husband and I are fighting at the moment. I can't tell if I harped on him because of my bipolar-ness, or if it's really legitimate and I have a right to be mad. It seems, in my mind, that he hasn't been very appreciative of me lately. He constantly whines about picking me up from the transit station (which he hardly ever does, even when it's dark). He still hasn't gotten me my birthday present either (even though my birthday was in June and he promised me a day at the spa, a night out on the town, and an ipod nano. Maybe he feels overhwelmed because he promised me so much??? So why wouldn't he talk to me about it??? I just feel very neglected...and it hurts, because my dad used to do the same thing (either neglect me or scream at me/physically hurt me). Not that Brad lays his hands on me in a hurtful way, but I feel as though all he ever wants from me is food or sex. The rest of the time he seems to ignore me. I'm sure I'm not looking at the whole picture, but I am hurt. And last night I let him have it, and I said some extremely mean things. Things that could have killed his spirit...why do I do that? Maybe because I'm turning into my father? God help me if I am...
Sad Shebee
Thursday, October 19, 2006

This is my Sassy. I miss her soooooo much. Throughout some of my mood disorer, she represented pure, unconditional love to me...I miss her so much...
No, she hasn't passed away...she lives with my parents as I can't have her in my basement suite. She is happy there, and that is the one thing that keeps me from bawling when I wish she was here to cuddle with me. I wish people like my landlord understood how much pets can soothe the wounded soul, and how if they are maintained properly, they aren't a huge mess. One day, I hope, I can have her living under my roof again. I guess I'm a pessimist as I don't think that'll ever happen...she's getting old, her hearing is going and so is her eyesight.
I miss her soooooo much.
I know I haven't posted for about a month and a half. I was feeling great for a while so I didn't think I needed to blog. Then I got deporessed, so I didn't feel like blogging. Then I felt great again and...well...you get the drift. I am in a depressed state again, which I hate. I feel so unconfident; so fat; so ugly etc.
Over this whole time I have been figuring out what has been going on with my mental health, I gained about 60lbs. I have never been this big, so I feel as though I am in a suit of sorts. I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin. I try not to think about it and I try to wear clothes to hide certain areas...but only I know the truth of my revolt towards my body...
I apologise if this posting seems like a big pity party...as a matter of fact, it is...
I'm just so sad...
Well laqdies and gents, my laundry's done now so I must go...take care and God's belssings to all.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
My week
My pdoc is slowly decreasing my Paxil (I was on 50mg, now I'm on 30mg) and she is increasing my Lamotrigine to 200mg/day (right now I'm at 75mg/day). I switch things up bi-weekly (up in Lamotrigine by 25mg and/or down in paxil by 10mg). She is wanting me to be completely off of Paxil by the time I am at 125mg of Lamotrigine/day...I really hope that the transition goes smoothly. Honestly, I'm a little nervous to be completely off of SSRI's, as I have been on them for so long. But hey, she's the one who has a doctorate in psychiatry, not me. I guess I just have a hard time trusting anybody with my brain, since I have been mis-diagnosed about 3 times now.
Anyhow, I've gotta get back to work now...please comment if you feel like you've been in the same boat...I could use the encouragement right about now:)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Morose and wallowing
Friday, August 18, 2006
Feeling sick...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Ho Hum
I'm tired of this up-hill battle...when does life get enjoyable again? Or does it ever? I just want to hide under a rock and cry...and cry...and cry some more until all that's left is a big puddle with a couple of eyeballs floating.
I know, I'm having a pity party...I'm just so sick of being sad, broke, angry, and tired. Life really does suck sometimes.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Night shifts...ugh
On my way here, I was listening to some Cindy Morgan...it was the song "I will be free". The words gave me comfort so maybe it will help whoever reads my blog in some way. Here are the words...I encourage you to download it if you've never heard it...
The mountains are steep and the valleys low
And already I'm weary but I have so far to go
Oh and sorrow holds my hand and suffering sings me song
But when I close my eyes I know to whom I belong...who makes me strong
I will be free...I will be free to run the mountains
I will be free...free to drink from the living fountain
Oh, and I'll never turn back 'cause He waits for me
Oh, I will be free
A wise man, a rich man in popper's clothes
A Shepherd to lead us through the land of woes
Though many battles I have lost, so many rivers yet to cross
But when my eyes behold the Son who bore my loss, who paid the cost
I will be free...I will be free to run the mountains
I will be free...free to drink from the living fountain
Oh, I'll never turn back 'cause He waits for me
Oh, I will be free
Oh, and I'll dance on silver moonlight
And I'll walk through velvet fields
Oh, and I'll run into the arms, the arms that set me free...
I will be free to run the mountains
I will be free...
Free to drink from the living fountain
Oh, and I'll never turn back 'cause He waits....I'll never turn back
Don't you ever turn back 'cause someday, someday we're gonna see
That we will be free
Hope someone(s) enjoyed that. I still feel like crap. I can't wait for this night to be over. I don't trust who I'm working with. Whatever...good night.